Groovy Pickleball

Pickleball newbie, here’s what to aim for, every time!

Hey pickleball newbie if you’ve been following our tips, by now you have learned how to slow down the game of pickleball by making sure you are standing in the right spot at the right time.

The game of pickleball is very fast paced, and while other sports depend on years of practice and hours spent learning fancy techniques, if you can simply learn how to make better decisions you will level up quickly.

Decide IN ADVANCE where you intend to hit the ball.

And by In Advance I mean before you set foot on the court!

Aim your serve or return deep – then after that AIM AT THEIR FEET.

Try this tip for your next few games and let us know how it goes – after the serve (or return) simply keep aiming the ball AT THEIR FEET!

Dink Happy 🙂



